Kinesiology & Active Rehabilitation

Kinesiologist is a specialist who is university-trained and who has knowledge of mechanics of human movement, effect of injury on body and application exercise therapy. Kinesiologist has a crucial role in rehabilitation after an injury. Active Rehabilitation is an individualized program which focuses on the individual’s functional, physical fitness or recreational goals. Conditions treated: Motor vehicle accident related injuries, Neck, Back, Joint pain, Musculoskeletal injuries, Pre and post surgical cases, Sports injuries, Work related injuries 


  • Do I need my Doctor’s referral?
    • Yes. If your claim is due to Motor vehicle accident OR workplace related injury OR if your extended coverage requires it.
      No. If your extended coverage doesn’t require one OR you are going to pay for it from your pocket.
  • How many sessions I would need?
    • Every person’s body and nature of injury is different and which dictates the treatment plan. Our experienced kinesiologists devise a very effective and efficient treatment plan where the goal is to quickly return to the pre-injury activities.

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